Searching for Our Senior Pastor
As we have news to share regarding the search for our MPPC Pastor, we will keep you updated below!

Rally Day & Welcome Brunch
Come and see, God is doing a new thing! Rally Day will be Sunday, Sept. 8 with one worship service at 10 a.m. followed by a ministry fair and potluck

A Message From the Prayer Team for PNC
Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” God delights in our prayers and in our

Introducing: Rev. Dr. Nicole Partin Abdnour
Today was a very exciting a day in the life of the church! This morning the PNC presented to us a wonderful candidate for the Senior Pastor and Head of

Congregational Meeting Called July 14
The session has voted to call a congregational meeting immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday July 14, 2024 for the purpose of hearing a report from the pastor

Summer Prayer for the PNC
Our PNC is continuing the hard work of searching for our next Senior Pastor. We’re so grateful for their hard work, prayerful approach, and deeply faithful spirits. The PNC prayer

June PNC Update
Dear MPPC, In July of last year, you as a congregation approved a 9-person committee to discern who it is God has selected to be MPPC’s next Senior Pastor/Head of

The Ministry Discernment Profile
The Pastoral Nominating has composed a MINISTRY DISCERNMENT PROFILE (MDP). The MDP is a “verbal snapshot of the church,” that serves as an introduction to the church for prospective pastors.

The Nominating Process
Pastoral Nominating Process We have elected our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) on June 25, 2023 to search for a new Pastor/Head of Staff on behalf of all the members of

How To Contact the Committee
The Pastor Nominating Committee would love to hear from you! Members of the congregation are encouraged to contact the Pastor Nominating Committee with any comments, questions, referrals, words of positivity,

Covenant of the Pastor Nominating Committee
Committee Members: We who are serving on the Pastor Nominating Committee for the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, of Mt Pleasant SC, promise to perform faithfully the vital task of searching
Senior Pastor Nominating Committee
On Sunday, June 25, 2023, a congregational meeting was held following the 11 a.m. worship service to hear a report from the congregational nominating committee and to elect a pastor