Adult Faith Formation

Adult faith formation nurtures balanced growth in the upward, outward, and inward spiritual life of adults while creating space for belonging, connection, and meaningful community. At MPPC, we want to help followers of Jesus Christ to experience a life-giving and life-sustaining relationship with God, grow in understanding of the Christian faith, the Word of God, and the Reformed tradition, grow in relationship with others as we share gifts and learn from one another, grow into greater commitment to, and participation in, the redemptive work of Christ in the world.

From Sunday mornings to weekdays to monthly gatherings, there are many opportunities for God to form your faith! Where will you get connected? Come and see! Find a group (or two) and join us!

Adult Sunday School

Sunday Mornings in the Summer | 9:45-10:45 a.m. (Unless Otherwise Indicated)

The Academy of St. John (SB 206, 9:30 AM)
This class uses a lecture — discussion format to approach Scripture through the lens of academics with video resources to deepen the class presentation. “The Academy,” or ASJ as it is also known, intersperses one-time topical studies from current events with multi-session studies from a variety of publishers on topics ranging from Bible study to history to theology. 

The Fall 2024 lineup begins with a Wired Word study “When is it time to leave?” which asks older adults to consider how to know when to step down and invite the next generation to step up. Then jumps back into “Painting the Stars,” at the nexus of science and faith, an exploration of the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality. Studies to follow include “The Call” (Adam Hamilton’s study of the apostle Paul), a December Advent study, “Acts” (Matthew Skinner) and an exploration of the gospel of John leading up to Easter. 

Connect 3 (Parlor, 9:30 AM)
A diverse and welcoming class with a multi-faceted approach to faith. Weekly thematic and scriptural studies, often including video resources, engage through Word and discussion. Speakers from the community are invited to present to the class on occasional Sundays. Participants in this class engage in mission and service opportunities locally and internationally and enjoy scattered fellowship parties throughout the year. 

Fall 2024 opens with a study of the book of Acts by Matthew Skinner. The Spirit is moving in Mount Pleasant just as the Spirit moved in the early church! The study explores six key themes that illustrate ways in which reading Acts ignites our imaginations about the character of the gospel, the work of God’s people, and the challenges of living faithfully in a complex and changing world. Later studies include a dive into the book of Isaiah, an Advent Word study of hope, peace, joy and love, an in-depth look at Jesus’ 12 disciples, “Wrestling with Doubt” (Adam Hamilton) and a six-week study, “Questions Jesus Asked.”

The Middle (GH 226)
We are all in the middle of something! Some of us are in the middle of raising kids, working, caring for older parents, or exploring what might be the next chapter of our lives. All of us are somewhere in the middle of our faith journey. Join the The Middle on Sunday mornings for a group that explores and studies God’s message for God’s people in the many seasons of life. 

Fall 2024 kicks off with “Navigating Isaiah,” a study of the book of Isaiah exploring themes such as answering God’s call and feeling estranged from God.  Pastor, preacher, and “middler” himself author Byron Thomas weaves together stories from his childhood, family experiences, and the words of Isaiah on justice and peace to find meaning and relevance in our present lives. 

Youngish Adults (GH 221/23/225)
A relaxed group of parents and young(ish) adults that meets for fellowship, conversation, and study during the education hour as kids and youth are connecting in their spaces. This class enjoys gathering as one large group, getting to know one another and sharing ideas, and breaks into smaller groups for particular studies during the year as they grow together in discipleship. 

Fall 2024 begins with the study “Redeeming Work” — bridging the gap between work and faith. After all, our work matters. We spend a large portion of our lives invested in a professional occupation. It’s the first thing people ask us at parties. It’s often how we introduce ourselves and might be the reason we live where we do. Our jobs often dictate the circumstances and rhythms of our lives. So why can Monday morning feel so far from Sunday morning? How does God invite us to bridge the gap?

Bible for Everyone (SB 210)
This “start-up” class gets underway with a fresh look at God’s expansiveness, dominion, rest, and grace and how we are invited to reflect God in these ways. Future planned studies include “Faces of our Faith: 16 Overlooked Stories in the Bible” and “A Fruitful Life: Discovering Jesus’ Invitation in the Sermon on the Mount.” 

The Common English Bible will guide our study and learning from each other will nourish our souls. No prior experience necessary! Bring yourself, a friend, and an open heart.

Beyond Sunday Mornings

Other Days of the Week...

Friday Morning Bible Study, 7 AM
The Friday Morning Bible Study is open to all who want to study Scripture and have great fellowship. The group meets in-person in the Parlor at 7 a.m. on Fridays except first Fridays when the group meets for breakfast at Page’s Okra Grill. Bring your Bible!

Friday “Angels” Book Group, 9 AM
Friday “Angels” gathers weekly in the Parlor. This book and Bible study group started meeting 30 years ago and continues to welcome new folks. They enjoy reading and discussing faith-based books across the spectrum from Jim Lowry’s book of sermons, Low-back, Ladder-back, Cane-bottom Chair, to September 2024’s selection The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. 

Tending the Sandwiched Soul, (Begins Later into the Fall)
There comes a time in life when we realize there’s a greater distance through the rearview mirror than forward through the windshield. In this season, we may also feel “sandwiched” between caring for parents while actively engaged in children’s and grandchildren’s lives, often still working in our professions. Even, and maybe especially, amid these pressures, our souls need tending. Gratefully we are invited to come to God with our whole lives, in the company of others in the faith, to hear God’s word for us in this particular season. Fall 2024 begins with the study, Upheld: Meeting our Trustworthy God through Isaiah. Join us!

Older Adult Ministry

Third Act: Celebrating, Utilizing, and Enhancing the Gifts of Aging
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens… 

Join Third Act every month to enjoy lunch and fellowship with others in your community while growing in knowledge about God’s amazing world! Third Act meets the fourth Monday at noon unless otherwise announced. Anticipated programs and presenters for 2024-25 include Rob Fowler with Channel 2 weather, the familiar face and trusted voice of Sportscaster Warren Peper, Birds of Prey, a trip to the Crêche Festival at Mepkin Abbey, spring container planting, and storytelling by renowned local authors. 

Pacesetters: Finding God in Faith & Fellowship
Pacesetters is a faith-filled, fellowship-loving group that meets on the 2nd Friday of every month (September through May) in the MPPC Fellowship Hall. Now entering its 25th season, Pacesetters continues to emphasize the bonds that bring people to together by offering a place for 55+ adults to gather while being open to all ages and beliefs. Each month’s gathering opens at 5:30 with fellowship and light refreshments. At 6:00, a welcome and prayer begin the meal followed by a time to share milestones and special events before the 7:00 program begins. Each month will feature a different program. 

Pacesetters’ 2024/2025 program year kickoff is September 13. The first event will include a catered meal and special presentation by the Director of the Charleston Museum. Check the weekly eNews for details and to RSVP. Other Fall programs include a musical performance by the Margaret & David Agee duo and a presentation by the Charleston Aquarium. 

Men & Women's Ministries

Men’s Ministry
God is doing a new thing in Men’s Ministry too! It is good to be in fellowship with others as we follow Christ in the world. From outdoor hikes and retreats to discipleship and service projects, the Men’s Ministry team is making plans for the upcoming year, including a local hike in 2025. We want to hear from you and invite you to be a part of this intentional ministry. Sign up to stay in the know! Please contact Ellen in the church office for more information.

Women’s Retreat
MPPC’s Annual Women’s Retreats are the perfect opportunity for furthering your faith and connecting with other likeminded women. Our 2025 retreat will be held on Kiawah, January 24-26, 2024. We will fellowship together and reflect on our retreat theme “Going from Chaos, Change and Conflict to Planting Peace.” Registration closes November 17. If you’d like to join us, please register at or contact the church office.

Presbyterian Women (PW)


Circles 3, 4, & 5 will delve into the study of caring for neighbors and God’s creation using the 2024–2025 PW/Horizons Bible study Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation. Author Patricia Tull describes her call for creation justice this way: “When I first learned of the climate crisis, I wondered how a biblical scholar with few practical skills could help and found my purpose in learning about ecology and teaching people of faith what I could. Such is not everyone’s skillset or desire, but each of us has something to do with all our hearts.”

From God’s first instructions to the nation of Israel to Moses to Amos, Scripture reminds us, “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream” (Amos 5:24) and calls us to speak out to urge our society to act for just transitions in this fast-changing world.

PW CIRCLE 3 – “Naomi” – 2nd Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., Parlor
PW CIRCLE 4 – “Circle of Sisters” – 2nd Wednesday at 9:30 a.m, Parlor
PW CIRCLE 5 – “Sisters in Christ” – 2nd Thursday at noon, Parlor

Keeping the Faith Circle will study the 2019–2020 Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible study, Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments. What would it mean to consider the Ten Commandments not as a harsh list of what not to do but, instead, as a “love letter” from a loving God? A fresh embrace of the Ten Commandments, author Eugenia Gamble suggests, may ultimately contribute to the restoration of ourselves and our communities and the furthering of the gospel in the world. Each lesson begins with an exploration of one of the Ten Words in its biblical context and from there considers a moment from Jesus’ life that shows us how he lived out that Word and the impact of the Word on our own lives and contexts. 

“Keeping the Faith” CIRCLE – 1st Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m., Basement. Childcare available.

Contact Ellen Creed Branham at to get connected to one of these circles!

Other Events

Other Events

Check below for a list of any upcoming events geared toward adults in addition to the weekly events listed above. You can also view our calendar at or check the weekly eNews or our social media!