Event Series Breakfast Church

Breakfast Church

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

Everyone is invited to gather around the table for MPPC’s NEW worship opportunity Sundays, March 9-April 20! Breakfast Church is a relaxed 45-minute worship service for people of all ages at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Grab your breakfast and join a table where we will gather around God’s Word and explore it together […]

Event Series Breakfast Church

Breakfast Church

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

Everyone is invited to gather around the table for MPPC’s NEW worship opportunity Sundays, March 9-April 20! Breakfast Church is a relaxed 45-minute worship service for people of all ages at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Grab your breakfast and join a table where we will gather around God’s Word and explore it together […]

Event Series Breakfast Church

Breakfast Church

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

Everyone is invited to gather around the table for MPPC’s NEW worship opportunity Sundays, March 9-April 20! Breakfast Church is a relaxed 45-minute worship service for people of all ages at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Grab your breakfast and join a table where we will gather around God’s Word and explore it together […]

Maundy Thursday

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

Maundy Thursday Worship, 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary The word "maundy" is an old English derivative of the Latin word "mandantum," which means "commandment." It is used to identify this day because it was on Thursday evening, at the Passover meal which we have come to know as "The Last Supper," that Jesus said, "I […]

Good Friday: Stations of the Cross & Worship Service

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

On Good Friday at 12 p.m. in the Sanctuary, we will offer a solemn service of scripture, prayer, and contemplation as we remember Jesus’ crucifixion. There will also be a self guided “Stations of the Cross” around the MPPC Campus from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The hours from noon to 3 p.m. are particularly significant as […]

Event Series Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

We have three Easter services that you are invited to attend on Sunday, April 20! 8:15 a.m. - Sanctuary Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary with the choir and brass ensemble. 9:30 a.m. - Breakfast Church Relaxed 45-minute worship service in the Fellowship Hall. 11 a.m. - Sanctuary & Live Stream Traditional worship service in […]

Event Series Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

We have three Easter services that you are invited to attend on Sunday, April 20! 8:15 a.m. - Sanctuary Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary with the choir and brass ensemble. 9:30 a.m. - Breakfast Church Relaxed 45-minute worship service in the Fellowship Hall. 11 a.m. - Sanctuary & Live Stream Traditional worship service in […]

Event Series Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

We have three Easter services that you are invited to attend on Sunday, April 20! 8:15 a.m. - Sanctuary Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary with the choir and brass ensemble. 9:30 a.m. - Breakfast Church Relaxed 45-minute worship service in the Fellowship Hall. 11 a.m. - Sanctuary & Live Stream Traditional worship service in […]

Village Concert Series: Astralis Chamber Ensemble

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

Our next Village Concert is Friday, May 9, 2025 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary with Astralis Chamber Ensemble: “Women in Music” featuring music for flute, cello and piano by female composers.

Vacation Bible School

Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church 302 Hibben St, Mount Pleasant, SC, United States

Save the date!