This TGLS is inspired by a familiar gospel story found in John 7:53-8:11 – a passage not original to the most reliable early manuscripts. Modern Bible translations keep the story in place, perhaps because it so deeply touches a human chord: Whoever hasn’t sinned should throw the first stone.
I’d been sleeping rough, stone for a pillow, when a ruckus woke me. That talk-of-the-town guy was stirring things up again. This time, they pushed a woman in front of him. Accuse her. Exertion painting their faces. Fists clenched around rocks. Yammering away. He ignored them, fingers tracing sand figures. Finally: I have no quarrel with her. If you are blameless, do what you will. Otherwise… Yeah, that shut them up. They skulked away. Turning, he whispered to her. Eyes newly bright and footsteps newly light, she sallied forth. Maybe this guy had an idea things wouldn’t end as well for him. All’s I know I wanted to see where he was going.