Covenant of the Pastor Nominating Committee

Committee Members:

We who are serving on the Pastor Nominating Committee for the Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, of Mt Pleasant SC, promise to perform faithfully the vital task of searching for a new pastor.

We pledge, with God’s guidance and your prayers, to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all we do, say, and decide. 

We will endeavor:

  • to establish a harmonious working relationship within our committee;
  • to maintain consistent attendance at our Committee meetings;
  • to be open and patient listeners to each other and to the congregation;
  • to listen carefully to your hopes and dreams as we consult with you, the members, in the development of a description of our church community and the style of pastoral leadership we seek;
  • to maintain strict confidentiality in all we read, say, and hear—
  • protecting both the privacy of each other and of potential candidates;
  • to review all profiles with open minds and hearts, treating all candidates fairly and justly;
  • to seek decisions not made by majority rule, but by the coming together of minds, hearts, and souls in a consensus that will build a firm foundation for the effective future mission and ministry of this church.

 Pledge of the Congregation:

We pledge, as a gathered community of faith, to be patient with you and to respect your need to be confidential in your task. We recognize that the work of our search committee is a difficult assign­ment and will take much effort. We pray for you and offer our support and words of encouragement throughout this time. These things we promise in the hope and belief that you will be obedient to the guidance of the spirit as you seek a new pastor to minister with us.


Elizabeth Amory*
Bruce McAdams*
Andrew DeHoll**
McRae Hogan**

Chip Bruorton
Susan Dalton
Towner Magill
Ellie McDermott
Susan Mellichamp

**Clerk of PNC