June PNC Update

Dear MPPC,

In July of last year, you as a congregation approved a 9-person committee to discern who it is God has selected to be MPPC’s next Senior Pastor/Head of Staff. As a committee, we have tried to provide transparency of our work, while maintaining confidentiality with monthly updates to the Congregation.

Our last update to you was in April. While we did not provide an update in May, our committee has been busy visiting and hosting candidates. Over the past couple of months, we narrowed the list of potential candidates to three. Our church has been very blessed with an extraordinary number of candidates who expressed interest in pursuing God’s call to MPPC. Of those extraordinary candidates, one stood out.

We are excited to let you know that your committee has unanimously agreed on a candidate that we are certain God has called to serve as MPPC’s next Senior Pastor/Head of Staff.

Several things took place within the discernment process that revealed God’s presence and hands in directing this candidate to MPPC. Our candidate has reciprocated our interest and is excited to move forward in the process to fulfill God’s call to MPPC.

So, what happens next, the process from this point follows these key steps:

  • First, the Candidate must be examined by the Commission on Ministry (COM) of the Charleston Atlantic Presbytery. This examination is scheduled for July 10th.
  • While that examination process takes place, we as a committee will work with the candidate to agree on a compensation package.
  • The agreed upon compensation package will be presented to Session for approval.
  • Once the compensation package is approved by Session, the COM will review and vote to approve the call.
  • When we get to this point, your committee will ask Session to call a Congregational meeting where we as a congregation will vote to approve God’s call of this candidate to MPPC.
  • Once our congregation approves the call, the Presbyter will collaborate with the candidate to set a proposed installation date when we as a church will welcome our new Senior Pastor/Head of Staff.

This is an exciting time for our church. It will take a few months for this process and the details that come with it to get worked out. While we as a committee are anxious to tell you more, we must maintain confidentiality while we go through the proper steps to have this call approved. As a committee we continue to ask for your prayers and your patience as we work toward fulfilling God’s call of MPPC’s next Senior Pastor/Head of Staff.

With thanks, peace, love, and joy,

Your MPPC Senior Pastor/Head of Staff Search Committee