Volunteer Opportunities
Want to get involved, but aren’t sure how to get started? Check out the board below for various volunteer events offered through MPPC! No matter how big or how small the task may seem, you are making a difference at MPPC, in your local community and in God’s world.
Please contact the church office with any questions, or email Logan Garabato if you have a volunteer opportunity that you’d like to publicize here.

A/V Volunteer
We invite you to join the volunteer A/V team and work alongside our experienced techs to enhance worship for everyone! Josh and Riley will be

Pass the Purse ECCO Collection
Pass the Purse to help ECCO spread love and support women in our community this Mother’s Day. From March 17 – April 23 drop of

Digital Ushering
If you worship with us on Facebook, you may have noticed that we have had a digital usher joining on Sundays. This is a new

Assist with English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Join the ESOL Mission We are excited that our ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) mission is expanding this winter. We will be offering

Check Out the Volunteer Directory
In our Missional Church, we endeavor to be the hands and feet of Christ in our local community. This brochure provides what every member of MPPC

Join the Breakfast Team!
Do you like to make people smile? If yes, we have the perfect opportunity for you once a quarter! The breakfast team makes people

Worship Volunteer: Usher, Deacon, Water Bearer & Acolyte
We’ve updated the SignUpGenius to make it easier for Deacons and Ushers to signup and also provide information about Acolytes, Water Bearers and Youth Ushers.

Volunteer with Children
Children are a blessing in our lives, and we need adults to teach and share their faith with children. Please take a minute and prayerfully

Be a Lay Reader on Sundays
Help Us Lead Worship! Thank you for your interest in being a lay reader! We believe it is important to share worship leadership between clergy

Donate Sanctuary Flowers
One way to get involved at MPPC in a small but meaningful way is by purchasing flowers to be placed in the Sanctuary. Now that more

Help Out at Hope House
Hope House is our home-away-from-home hospital hospitality house (say that three times fast)! Hope House serves adults (18 and over), who have an adult family