Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28
‘It was hotter than Hades, as Grandmother used to say. Jules dropped her bags, blinked away beads of sweat. Did she really need all this stuff?
Exhaling, she hoisted the backpack to her shoulders, slung one duffel over top and grabbed the others. She was getting a blister.
Things were supposed to be different. Then screaming-matches, a fist through the wall (hers), the silent treatment (him). Who could love her now?
Under the bus shelter, she pulled out a wrinkled slip of parchment: 1128 Grassy Meadow.
Through glass smudged by countless previous travelers, Jules noticed a family picnicking under a canopy of oaks. Her heart lurched as the brakes squealed.
The waiting host touched her shoulder. “I’ll carry your stuff. But first, let go.”