“The time came for Elizabeth to have her child and she gave birth to a son; and when her neighbors and relations heard that the Lord had lavished on her his faithful love, they shared her joy.” -Luke 1:57-58
‘Sckoosh over,’ Eleazar wriggled into a space the size of a grape between his cousin and the bald guy from two doors down. His mouth watered to see such food! Cheerful banter swelled as baby John was passed from aunt to uncle (amid whispers: what an odd name Elizabeth and Zechariah chose!). Eleazar found himself smiling, not knowing why. Suddenly the baby was placed in his lap. Unblinking eyes the color of umber looked up as Eleazar offered his finger for the baby’s grasp. Feeling his throat catch, he knew something had changed. What he didn’t know was where this love would take them.