The sundial’s shadow never seemed to move. Had one day passed, or four? Visitors had come – my childhood bestie Leeba, even that awful nosy Livia; still they milled around. Martha said our friend, the one she trusted, was on the way.
I had to get out of there. I ached for my brother and for what could have been. How could I keep from running?
Then I saw– there, on the road– the one who had eaten countless meals around our table. Some friend. Took his own sweet time getting here. My tears came unbidden. I looked up. His eyes were shining wet! That changed things for me. That he would weep.
This TGLS is inspired by the bonds of friendship between Jesus and siblings Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Jesus, fully human in perhaps the best sense, weeps for the grief of his friends and maybe for his own. Read about it in the gospel of John 11:1-44.