Elder & Deacon Recommendation Form

Nominations Committee Members

The Nominating Committee will prayerfully consider each recommendation and present a slate of officers for a congregational vote at a called congregational meeting in the spring.

Nominations for this year include:

  • Seven ruling elders per class for three-year terms plus two youth for one-year terms
  • Twelve deacons are elected to each class for three year terms plus two youth for one-year terms
  • Six at-large members for the CNC are needed
  • Three trustees’ five-year terms expire and will need to be re-elected

Please contact us at jrainero@gmail.com if you have any questions concerning the nominations process.

Ben Black
T.J. Del Duca                              
Joel Heuring Theresa Reed
Kevin Shuler
Pam Spivey

Ann Crowder – Chair-elect
Joe Rainero – Chair

From the Nominating Committee:
Help to shape the life and ministry of MPPC by recommending church members to serve as Elders and Deacons:

Fields marked with an * are required

Please make sure to complete all required fields (items marked with an asterisk). After you submit your online registration, you will receive an email confirmation. If you did not receive an email confirmation for your registration, please contact Logan Garabato.