MPPC Children’s Ministries
A foundation of faith for children, from birth to elementary school, is established through programs and activities designed to nurture and support young families through Bible studies on Sundays, after school activities on Wednesdays, and monthly fellowship opportunities.
Christian Education for Children of All Ages
Sunday Mornings | 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Childcare is available for infants through children up to 3 years old on Sunday mornings during both services and Sunday School. Worship services include 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., and Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
Growing in Grace and Gratitude is a PCUSA curriculum for children ages 3-5. Children will be encouraged to see God’s grace in biblical narrative and in our world today. The class will learn to find opportunities to respond with gratitude through claiming, celebrating, praying and offering. Each lesson will embrace children in the grace of God through engagement with the Bible that echoes reformed worship: gathering in God’s grace, responding in gratitude, and loving and serving God.
Feasting on the Word Curriculum follows the Revised Common Lectionary and allows everyone to explore the same Bible passage each week. This makes it easy for families to live out their faith together. This curriculum invites learners from children through adults into the rhythm of the church year. Each class will explore the what, where, so what, and now what of each biblical passage from the lectionary through a variety of learning and teaching styles.

Kids Praise - Children's Worship
Every Sunday of the Month except the FIRST Sunday (Communion) | 11 a.m. Worship Service
Our “children’s church” is offered September- May. This worship experience for children, 3K-Kindergarten is a way of being “in church” in a special way. We include parts of worship such as a Call to Worship and close with a benediction. In between, we will share a Bible story together and have activities to help the children better understand the message. This volunteer-led experience begins following the children’s message during the 11:00 a.m. service of worship. The children are walked to Kids Praise which is located in GH 122. At the conclusion of worship, parents should pick up their children from their classroom. If you are visiting for the first time, we ask that you walk over with your child to sign them in.
If you would like to volunteer to lead, please contact Suzy Edwards at or use the button below.

Upcoming Events
Check below for a list of any upcoming children’s ministry or churchwide events. You can also view our monthly calendar at or check the weekly eNews or our social media!
W@W Wednesdays
Wednesday Nights, September-November 2024 and January- March 2025
New name… same fun! W@W Wednesdays is a program designed for children Pre-K through 5th grade for Fellowship/Recreation, Faith Formation, Choir and DINNER at 6pm! Kids are divided into three age groups and rotate through our three areas each week. We will enjoy MUSIC led by our Music Ministry Leaders, Faith Formation weeks will be led by Ms. Suzy, Pastor Nicole and Pastor Bart, and others… and RECREATION will be a time of fellowship and fun with friends. There is a $50 fee for each child per semester to cover food and other supplies.

More from Children's Ministry at MPPC:

Early Childhood - Infants through Preschool
Loving childcare is provided for infants, toddlers, and young children by staff who have undergone child protection training and background checks.
Seabrook Playground
Seabrook Playground is a wonderland of enjoyment for preschool aged children. It is newly constructed, age-appropriate equipment with safety in mind.
Elementary Children
Acolyte and Baptismal Font Preparation Duties for Children Kindergarten-5th Grade
Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to bring the light of Christ into the church and carry it out as well as being a water bearer to prepare the baptismal font during both the 8:30 and 11 am worship services. MPPC loves having children participate in worship! Sign them up here.
Note: If there is a younger child who would like to participate with an adult or older sibling helping, please contact Mrs. Suzy for more information about how we can prepare them.
Second and Third Grade Bibles – Each Spring (2025 Dates TBD)
Each year MPPC offers a “2nd & 3rd Grade Bibles” class! This special class will be fast moving and children who participate will know how to use their Bible and what the Bible is about by the end of our time together. As a part of the class, each child will receive a NIV New Adventure Bible from the church. Children are asked to attend each week, come prepared, and be ready and willing to learn in a fun way. The class will meet Sundays (9:45-10:45 am) during their regular Sunday school time.
Sunday Worship
Bring your children — all ages are welcome — and join us for worship. If you prefer, you may entrust your children (birth to 3 years) to our nursery caregivers who have undergone child protection training and background checks.
Children’s Sabbath – October
Children’s Sabbath provides an opportunity for the children of the church to have a leadership role in worship. They are involved in the writing of the liturgy and being liturgists. This typically happens in the fall when it is scheduled on the PCUSA church calendar.
Vacation Bible School – June 16-20, 2025
This traditional week of learning, dancing, playing, and fellowship takes place in the summer each year, and we would love to see you!
Stay Connected
Connect with us by joining our Facebook Group (MPPC Children’s Ministry) or following the children’s Instagram account (@mppcchildren)
For more information, contact Suzy Edwards, Director of Children’s Ministries.