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As you may know, MPPC, along with Providence and Westminster, has been providing everyday support to an Afghan refugee family for almost 2 years now, Nadia, Sudais (7th grade), Tayb (4th grade), Mobara (4k) and Asra (who turns 3 in September).

Sudais and Tayb had a busy summer with soccer and regular summer camps. We had amazing volunteers who drove both boys everyday. Sudais’s soccer team has already started practice and is looking forward to a successful season. His Coach has been a huge blessing as he takes Sudais to all of the team practices and games. We love Coach Dan!

Sudais will be attending C E Williams South, 7/8 grade campus, and Tayb and Mobara remain at Ashely River Creative Arts Elementary. We had hoped that Asra would be able to attend Early Head Start but she is on the wait list. She is also on the wait list for Westminster Preschool. Prayers a spot will open somewhere as it will greatly benefit Asra’s development as well as allow Nadia the opportunity to find part time work.

Sadly Fraidoon, husband and father, is still patiently waiting his turn with the US State Department to reunite with his family. Nadia was notified in January that Fraidoon had passed all of the initial screenings but has heard nothing else since so we wait and ask for prayers that he will be able to leave Afghanistan soon. As you see this family is in need of your prayers!

They also need financial support and we gladly accept your generous gifts. Checks can be made out to MPPC and add Refugee Account in the memo field. They also need people who are willing to drive them to things like dentist appointments and other needs that arise on an as needed basis. We are hoping to expand our list of potential drivers so please consider if this is a way you can serve.

Please reach out to Maryanne Davis with any questions at