A Message From the Prayer Team for PNC

Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

God delights in our prayers and in our trust in Him to give us His best answer to what we pray. What a grace-filled invitation and promise, and we have certainly witnessed the power of accepting God’s invitation to call to Him as our whole congregation united in fervent prayers while the PNC searched for and called our new Senior Pastor, Nicole. The Prayer Team for the PNC is so thankful to all of you who have joined in continually praying for God to bring the person He has chosen for ministry at MPPC. We are encouraged to continue our prayers during this transition time for all the Abdnours as well as for the congregation at Palma Ceia who will surely miss this family after 18 years of their presence in Tampa. Excitement and anticipation abound as we await the “great and mighty things God will do, which we do not now know!”

Special thanks to our children, under the direction of Suzy Edwards, who have been such an important part of a prayerful process. Last Spring, their Wednesday afternoon program started praying in their classes. They have made some very special gifts to present to Nicole. Some of the children’s Sunday school classes have visited what will be Nicole’s new office and have prayed around her desk for Nicole and her family. A box of welcome letters and prayers are being prepared to give to them at their arrival. Our young ones have been particularly thinking about Malachi, Maliyah, and Nevaeh; their transition will be challenging as they adjust to new schools. (The PNC has relayed how grateful all the candidates interviewed have been to hear how the entire congregation was surrounding the search process with prayer.)

May all the prayers lifted and devoted work given bring glory to God and deepen our faith in the Cornerstone, Jesus Christ! Open our hearts to receive God’s good gifts and amazing love,
The Prayer Team for PNC: Barry Blackburn, Ellen Gower , Holly Limbert, Dick Query, Susanne Query, Pam Spivey, Jon Wallace, Jim Westerhold