2025 Women’s Retreat
January 24 - January 26
West Beach Conference Center Kiawah
January 24 – 26
Registration: Deadline for registration is November 17
Registration Fee – $195
Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, Friday evening Happy Hour (cash bar) and retreat materials. All the activities, studies, & food will be at West Beach Conference Center. Accommodation reservations are separate and that you pay to Kiawah. Dinner on Friday and Saturday nights is on your own.
Two methods of payment:
- Payment by Check: Full amount of $195 must be received by November 17, 2024. Please complete the registration form, make out your check to MPPC, indicate Women’s Retreat 2025 in the Memo line, and either drop both check and form off at the church office or mail it to MPPC, 302 Hibben Street, Mt. Pleasant 29464. Please send to the attention of Peggy Leete. Here is the form you will need to print and drop off/mail.
- Online Registration: Use this link. Online payments may incur an additional fee.
This year you can choose your own accommodations by calling phone number 800-654-2924 and referencing the MPPC retreat and the group booking number of 22029. Calls will be returned within 72 hours in the order received. Kiawah offers villas ranging from 1 – 4 bedrooms, private homes ( 4 – 8 bedrooms) and even accommodations at The Sanctuary if you desire. You will receive a 10% discount off the published online rate, but you need to give them the group booking number. This rate will be available two days before and after the event dates; however, the extension of days for the 10% discount is not available on private homes.
One night’s deposit is all that is needed to book the reservation. One person in the group can call to reserve the accommodation and pay the one night. That person will need to give the names of the others in the villa or house, but each can pay at time of arrival.
Deadline for registering is November 17, 2024. We strongly encourage all women to make accommodation reservations as soon as possible as they fill up and you might not be able to book the villa or home that you want. Remember that we are not the only ones at Kiawah doing those dates and others can certainly make reservations. Get your group together quickly and call!!
- 2 bedroom villa starts at $233 / night or $426 for both nights depending on the location of the villa – ex: golf course view or ocean view.
- 3 bedroom villa starts at $231 / night or $462 for both nights depending on the location of the villa – ex: golf course view or ocean view.
Please know that if you have signed up for the Women’s Retreat, you need to register through the church AND through Kiawah. If someone has reserved a condo that you will be staying in, please ask that lady who reserved the condo for the group to call Peggy Leete ((843) 532-7923 or Margaret Agee (843) 452-2820, to let the committee know who else is in your condo. Our goal is to make sure everyone is registered and has a place to stay!
Any questions? Please contact Peggy Leete at pleete@carolinaone.com or (843) 532-7943.