In order to meet the challenge of the COVID-19 health threat, Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church is enacting comprehensive Coronavirus Active Response Efforts to assist those who are adversely affected or compromised by the disease. Initial elements of the effort include:

C.A.R.Es List

The church staff will maintain a list of members who are either (1) self-quarantining due to known exposure to the virus or (2) remaining home-bound because they are in a high-risk health demographic (the “C.A.R.Es List”). The following guidelines will be followed:

  1. To add a name to the C.A.R.Es List, members should contact Parish Associate Lib McGregor Simmons in the church office by phone at (843) 884-4612, or by email at If a member is asking to add someone other than himself or herself to the list, the nominating party must confirm that the nominated person has given permission to be added to the list.
  2. As a general rule, the C.A.R.Es List will be distributed twice a week to the active elders, deacons, and staff of MPPC, who will then work to remain in close contact with the listed individuals and assist them as they are able. 
  3. Elders and deacons receiving the C.A.R.Es List shall be responsible for praying for those on the list and for reaching out to listed individuals by written letter, text, or phone call. Each officer is responsible for determining the best and safest ways for them to assist the individuals on the list, provided that at no time should an officer take unreasonable or unsafe actions that may result in their own infection or further spread of the coronavirus. It will be helpful for elders and deacons to specifically identify their communications as part of the “C.A.R.Es” effort, and to notify Parish Associate Lib McGregor Simmons of any individuals contacted and the assistance being offered by the officers.
  4. Pastors and staff who reach out to individuals on the list shall also avoid unreasonable or unsafe actions that may result in infection or spread of the coronavirus.
  5. Those receiving the C.A.R.Es List from the church office understand that the list should be treated as sensitive information and that a healthy balance between assistance and confidentiality should be maintained.

Home-bound Visitation Changes

Members of the current homebound visitation team have been asked to increase their monthly contacts to more frequent notes and phone calls while generally refraining from making home visits. They will continue to pray for their assigned person and have been asked to notify Rev. Lib McGregor Simmons if there are particular pressing pastoral care concerns.

Home-bound Visitation Changes

All members should be aware that local hospitals have significantly curtailed all non-essential visitation for pastors and lay visitors alike. In light of these limitations, lay members of the hospital visitation team have ceased their rotational visits. Team members have been asked to contact Parish Associate Lib McGregor Simmons as their usual visitation day approaches to learn if there is a scheduled surgery or a current hospitalization, and, if appropriate, to be in touch with the patient by phone or text.

What Can You Do?

Mission and Outreach Initiatives for Everyone

MPPC’s Local Mission Team has been in touch with our ministry partners and we are assessing ways in which our faith community can safely continue to provide support to our most vulnerable neighbors during this difficult time. In the coming days we will continue to listen and learn of the changing needs around food insecurity and shelter from our various ministry partners and will share them accordingly. Listed below are current needs and service opportunities. Please check back regularly for updates:

Give Blood

Because of an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations during the coronavirus outbreak, there is a severe blood shortage. Healthy individuals are strongly encouraged to donate now to help patients counting on lifesaving blood, platelets, and AB elite plasma.  The Red Cross Blood Donation Center at 920 Houston Northcutt in the Harris Teeter shopping center is conveniently close by, and the MPPC staffers who regularly donate there give 5-star ratings to the staff at this center!  One way to lessen your wait is to download the Red Cross app, make an appointment, and complete RapidPass registration on the day of your scheduled donation.

Make Meals at One80 Place

If you are willing and able, One80 Place needs volunteers to help serve meals. They have taken actions to make it a safe environment including, but not limited to: 
  • They check every volunteer’s temperature. 
  • Volunteers do not interact with clients, they only prepare to-go containers.
  • They adhere to six-foot social distancing practices. 

ECCO - East Cooper
Community Outreach

Critical Needs:
Grits (1lb)
White Rice (1lb)
Canned Beef Stew or other easy-to-fix meals
Boxed Mac & Cheese
Cold Cereal
Dry Pasta (16oz)
Canned Meats 
Peanut Butter
Pasta Sauce
Household Cleaning Supplies
It may not be possible for you to go out and shop for these goods. We ask that you look at your own supplies and see if you feel comfortable sharing a portion of what you have. Many people in Mount Pleasant do not have the luxury of “stocking up.” One idea is to make this an activity for the whole family; let your children be a part of what you might share with those in need. For example, think about decorating the bag or including a drawing.
There are two ways to delivery your donation without coming into contact with others: 1) ECCO has large bins outside their facility on Six Mile Rd (address below) for drop off between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or 2) Bring your donation by the church and leave them on the table on the front porch of the Fellowship Hall. A local missions team member will collect the donations and take them to ECCO.
1145 Six Mile Rd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466

East Cooper Meals on Wheels

East Cooper Meals on Wheels will provide daily meals to persons who are quarantined at home due to illness or who are self-quarantining.  There is no charge for the meals.  The meals will be delivered to a ECMOW-provided cooler at the recipient’s front door. To obtain this service, call 843-881-9350 and ask for Rachel. Each meal costs ECMOW approximately $3, and donations are certainly welcome through the ECMOW website or by mailing a check to ECMOW, 2304 Highway 17 North, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466.

Meeting Facilitation via Zoom

As Americans try to stay put and limit their travel to only the most necessary outings, MPPC is encouraging anyone who needs to meet to do so remotely through technology. Our church staff is ready to help you set up ZOOM meetings, which allow groups to converse with video and audio. If you would like to know more about this option, or if you need help hosting such a meeting, please call or email Michael Hardee at the church office (